Friday, April 10, 2020

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2) Coffin Dance Full

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2)

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Average rating 4.16  · 

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As good as the first book in the series - though, some of the characters were a bit more grating, this time round. Sachs' seems to have forgotten about self preservation and nearly gets vaporised after going to a supposed victims home. Actually, she did a few things that were impromptu - which seemed a bit out of character. Dellray (FBI) is still talking in his street lingo (or whatever it is) - so that was a bit annoying; especially when he's not undercover. He probably thinks he sounds cool -

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2)

rated it it was amazing

4.5 stars!!! It's official! I have new favorite author and series. All the clues used, the evidence solved by Rhymes and Sachs are fascinating.


As I was cleaning up my bookshelf the other day, I came across The Coffin Dancer and a few other books in the Lincoln Rhyme series.

I thought, "Why haven't I gotten back to this series?!"

After reading this book, I have no damn idea why I haven't gotten back to it sooner!

The Coffin Dancer was fantastic from beginning to end. It was face paced, intense and the forensics in this book were in depth.

Jeffery Deaver has really gotten to the nuts and bolts of the forensics in this book and

rated it it was amazing

This is the book that hooked me into reading suspense novels. Back in 2002, I was at Super-Walmart waiting for my car to get an oil change so I decided to kill some time in the book aisle. I picked up a John Grisham book and was reading the plot summary when somebody said to me "if you want to read a good book then read that one". She was pointing to THE COFFIN DANCER so I took her advice and bought it. I have read about 120 novels since and nothing has topped it yet. I felt the first chapter

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2)

The Bone Collector was this readers introduction to paralyzed Detective Lincoln Rhyme, and Amelia Sachs, who became his pupil in scene-of-the-crime gathering of evidence. While the first book was a very enjoyable thriller, the second entry in the series, might have been better.

Coffin Dancer is about a killer who has eluded Rhyme, a fact which haunts the detective. He became known as Coffin Dancer during the slayings because of a tattoo of the Grim Reaper dancing near a casket. In this entry, the

★ ★ ★ 1/2

Ive heard several movie aficionados say some version of: Im glad I saw it but I have no need to ever see it again. I had similar thoughts as I was finishing The Coffin Dancer. There is a lot of bad in this novel. There is also a lot of good. Im not sure if its for better or worse but most of the bad came first.

This novel is the sequel to the acclaimed The Bone Collector, which introduced paraplegic forensic genius Lincoln Rhyme and his protégé, NYPD officer Amelia Sachs. This is where

I'm working on a theory: just as every second-hand book seller has at least one, unwanted copy of (and 2+ if it's a Hospice or Salvation Army shop), every summer holiday bach has at least one Jeffery Deaver book.

At least all the ones I visit seem to, which is great because these make the perfect beach read. Yes, even with all the violent crime, I find this series wonderfully easy-going and summery.

The Coffin Dancer is not as good as the best Lincoln Rhyme, but also not the

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2)

rated it really liked it

I'm just starting to get into this series after a long period from reading The Bone Collector. Excellent suspense and writing. Looking forward to reading the rest of these gems!

Wow. That's all I have. What a fantastic second book in The Lincoln Rhymes series.

It's a year since the events in the first book. Lincoln is now working as a consultant to the police and FBI with Amelia assisting him. Pulled into a case involving the hitman named as "The Coffin Dancer" Rhymes has personal reasons for bringing him down.

I loved Rhymes in this one. He was less acidic in his interactions with everyone. Though it's clear something is off with Amelia, though Rhymes ignores it since

rated it it was amazing

Actual rating is 4.5 stars.

This is the second book of a series but can be read as a stand alone novel. In this one, an assassin known as the Coffin Dancer has been hired to kill three people who have witnessed a crime. No one knows the true identity of this assassin and now it is Lincoln's turn to figure this out while figuring out how to keep the witnesses alive.

This book is a great example of a cat and mouse book loaded with misdirects that keeps the reader guessing to the final pages. It

The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme, #2)

Lincoln Rhyme, the paraplegic detective and Amelia Sachs are on the trail of a serial killer, creepily named the Coffin Dancer. Only he has to protect the targets while trying to outguess the killer's next move. The book really was a page turner and you could definitely not guess all the twists.

The plot being one void of mystery we get to see both sides work. And hence, you are justified to feel mystified, why the author had to deceive the reader as well. Only, you are forgiving, since the

rated it it was amazing

Recommends it for: thrill seekers:)

this is my favorite book by Deaver and the only one I would really give five stars. It is a great, creepy, fast paced thrill/mystery book, with all the twists and forensic tidbits one might expect from Deaver. What really makes the book is it's brilliantly sadist villians. The mindplay between the main character (lincoln rhyme) and those villians is enthralling, and adds about as much action and suspense to the book as any other in the series. for anyone who has not read the other lincoln rhyme

rated it really liked it

If you haven't read The Coffin Dancer, and you want the plot to surprise you, do not read my review after this first paragraph -- do not read anyone's review. I don't know whether I'm quicker or slower on the uptake than the average reader of Deaver's work, but a cursory glance at reviews here was enough to flick the switches in my brain and have me figuring things out ahead of Rhyme and co. So if you want to be left reeling, play it safe and stay out of people's reviews.

Yeah, there was some

It's the second instalment in the Lincoln Rhyme series and it doesn't disappoint. Fast-paced, well-written, with a surprise twist at the end it's definitely worth a read.

I was not magnetized and drawn in, but I was curious enough to keep reading.

When I finished the book my first thought was the killers abilities and actions were not believable. But I could accept them because it made an intricate and complicated puzzle for Lincoln to figure out. The killer was able to do too many things, too frequently, and get away too easily every time. And he always seemed to have full knowledge of everything the authorities were thinking and doing - so you need to suspend

Definetly worth a 5 star rating. Had me on edge wanting more. At times ryhmes abbrasiveness annoyed me but his brilliance kept me,wanting more.

Amelia's brave on the spot thinking is,on par with rhymes. Willing to be in line if danger and pulling through makes her my fav character in the series so far.

May i mention thom and rhymes interaction is just hilarious..

Great thriller with Awesome Twist right at the end. I loved it right then and I still love it, Jeffrey Deaver rocks.

People who don't read generally ask me my reasons for reading. Simply put I just love reading and so to that end I have made it my motto to just Keep on Reading. I love to read everything except for Self Help books but even those once in a while. I read almost all the genre but YA, Fantasy, Biographies are the most. My favorite series is, of course, Harry Potter but then there are

Typical Jeffery Deaver mystery involving two of my favorite characters- Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs. This time they are tracking a devious killer who has a tatoo of a snake dancing around the victims' coffin on his arm. I love the interplay of Lincoln and lover/partner Amelia as she acts as his legs at the crime scenes and learns to be a fantastic crime scene detective under his tutelage.

I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as The Bone Collector, but overall, Jeffrey Deaver did not disappoint me with this one. This story centers around a charter airline company and the novel does start of with a lot of "aviation speak" which I found somewhat difficult to follow. You can definitely tell Deaver took his time to research his subject matter and incorporated those details in his narration. This thriller was well written, like his first installation in the series. It kept me guessing

Sachs had the uneasy thought that Rhymes urgent grief was not only for the man who had died so violently, whoever he was, but for those who, maybe, were just about to.

Another good adventure with Lincoln Rhyme, Amelia Sachs, and company. It felt a little dated, especially in terms of gender relations, but still read well. The flying/airplane details did bog this one down a bit but, as someone who is interested in flying, I didnt mind as much as some readers may.

Im looking forward to continuing

When I started this book I went into it with pretty high expectations. I thought this installment started off just a bit slow for me and I did not think I was going to enjoy it as much as The Bone Collector. And I really didn't, but it did pick up the pace a lot and had some great plot twists in the story. Soon enough I found myself somewhat engaged and enjoying the overall story.

So in this installment of the Lincoln Rhyme series we have the perp called 'the coffin dancer'. He is hired,

rated it it was amazing

By far, Jeffery Deaver is the one author with that uncanny ability to develop plot twists and very complex characters that leave you stunned to the end. If you've seen the movie, trust me, the books are far more ingenious and developed as compared to what we were presented with on the silver screen. The Bone Collector is a series novel starring Lincoln Rhyme, our famous forensics expert bound to his bed and mobile wheelchair.

Reading this novel I am reminded to never commit a crime. The art of

rated it really liked it

The second book in the Rhyme/Amelia series shows them facing a killer that is almost as smart as they are. The Coffin Dancer is an old nemesis of Lincoln Rhyme and the man he most desperately wants to catch for personal reasons as much as professional.

He is a hired killer and his next assignment is to kill two federal witnesses, who may testify against an arms dealer, and Rhymes is determined to stop him. As in The Bone Collector Amelia does the legwork and Rhymes analyses the information and

rated it it was amazing

Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are back in this full-throttle thriller! This time to track down The Coffin Dancer, a professional killer who has continually alluded the Police. Rhyme uses his wits to track the killer who's targeted 3 federal witnesses in the final hours before their grand testimony.

Rhyme once again calls on Amelia as his eyes, arms, and legs to trace forensic evidence at the crime scenes to nail this vicious killer before his next target. And so far they only have one clue, the

I am intrigued by Lincoln Rhymes., and I admire Amelia Sachs. These two characters are far from perfect -- flawed, obstinate, stubborn, fearful, arrogant. They are similar to real people which makes them more interesting because they seem more like people I could know and like. Mr Deaver has taken a man in bed -- a quadiplegic - and allowed him to be intelligent and vibrant. He has also allowed him to be unlikable at times. He has taken a man in a bed and made him into a character who is loud,

In the second book, the oddly matched crime fighters tracks a contract killer on a mission. Intense, but Deaver's trademark plot twists this time spirals away towards the ridiculous. Still, in it's genre it's quite good and the continuing story about Sachs and Rhyme and their relationship is enjoyable.

rated it it was amazing

The Lincoln Rhyme series has quickly become one of my favourite! After being hooked into the first book, I was hoping this one would live up to my high expectations. It easily did with another plot twist that had me hanging on the edge of my seat! A great read and would highly recommend!

rated it liked it

This book annoyed me - a lot. Two characters were essentially too dumb to live and I had moments where I just wanted them to die. I didn't care by the end of it if they found him or not. I just wanted the book to be finished.

rated it it was ok

This one was too unbelievable. I understand that it is a novel but it is supposed to be a crime novel and I think the abilities of the characters were too much of a stretch of the imagination.


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